🦠Covidy progress - 💎 DMPs are forever, or at least they feel like it
I’ve spent the last three weeks thinks and rethinking approaches to ethically gathering this data. The chat with K mentioned in the last post - I said, at one point “yeah, but ethics isn’t actually about ethics, it’s about covering the university’s ass” which has been resonating in my brain a lot. Remember to try to think constructively myself about whether I’m happy with my behaviour (and would I be happy about my behaviour if I was one of my research subjects?) - don’t just think about ethics as a hoop to be jumped. I’m a little/quite disgusted with myself, as someone who prides themselves on being vegan and atheist-agnostic. I wonder if this is some hangover from my days trying to market and sell things, like mattresses. (That feels like a long time ago now - left that company in 2012!)
Anyway, next iteration of the DMP is D-O-N-E! It felt like it took forever. Just like a diamond. đź’Ž
Anyway the RDA recommendations are really good. A few thoughts for the study:
- reference the RDA guidelines, and note that multiple of the sub-groups emphasise the importance of open sources.
- recommend the RDA guidelines.
- consider interviewing people involved in the RDA guidelines - I know quite a few of them :)